Pucker up: New book shows Vintage Photos of People Kissing!

When we look at vintage photos of people kissing we immediately start creating a story: Who are they? What do they see in each other? Is it mutual? Are they kissing the way I kiss, or want to be kissed? Who was the invisible photographer who had access to the intimate moment? In studio photos, postcards and snapshots of couples from the Victorian era through the swinging sixties, our new book, People Kissing: A Century of Photographs (Princeton Architectural Press), reveals the intoxicating relationship between kissing and the camera lens. Smooches! All photographs from the collection of Barbara Levine / PROJECT B It is impossible not to look at a photograph of people kissing! All photos from the collection of... Read more
13 Awkward Vintage Christmas Photos!

We love looking at other people's old photos especially funny, weird Christmas snapshots! Do you have any vintage holiday photos like these in your family albums? Christmas Day, 1959 Kitchen Gifts, c.1980Rifles and Pink Plushie (are those snakeskin pants?), c.1970 Fuzzy Slippers and Gun, c.1960Christmas Baby Dolls, 1959The Perfect Gift, 1976Big Hand and Small Tree, c.1945Santa has had a little too much Botox. Super creepy Santa.The Weird Sixties Christmas PartyCreepy Christmas Office Party, 1939Merry Christmas from Windsor Duke of Kent, c.1940 Happy Holidays! Questions? Email me: SaveSaveSaveSave Read more
Spooktacular! 16 Great Vintage Halloween Photos from the Collection of Barbara Levine

Looking at and collecting vintage Halloween photographs is always great fun. Here are some favorites from my collection. Check out over 50 years of great costumes - Happy Halloween! Bank robbers? Vintage photo, 1913Which famous 1920s movie star is man on left dressed as?Vintage Halloween photos, c.1925. Love the Geisha (and look at carved pumpkins too)!Bird costume, c.1930.Great Halloween mask! Vintage photo, 1939. Watch out, Creature from Black Lagoon (below) is in the living room!Mr. Peanut(s), Kodacolor photo, 1955Merman (below), c.1960Gypsy Princesses, c. 1965My favorite vintage Halloween photo (below), Nurse, 1967Devil Witch! Vintage photo, 1976.All photographs from the collection of Barbara Levine / Questions? email me: Read more 1 comment Barbara Levine, Halloween, Vintage photos
1940s Woman Smokes Cigarette Through Rubber Mattress
A found vintage press photograph from 1947 shows a woman blowing cigarette smoke through a foam mattress. On the back, the story accompanying the photo for newspaper publication reads: "PorousYou wouldn't try this with your mother's waffles, but model (undecipherable) Davis, blows smoke through a new foam rubber mattress to illustrate how the interconnecting air cells provide ventilation" Can you imagine seeing this photograph in a newspaper now (and wasn't there a better way to illustrate ventilation)? Sometimes press photos raise more questions than they answer! Read more cigarette smoking, vintage press photos
Barbara Levine to speak at National Arts Club about Collecting and new book, People Fishing: A Century of Photographs

Collecting Vernacular PhotographyApril 5, 2018. 8pmThe National Arts Club15 Gramercy Park South, New York, NY Panel Discussion, book reading and signing Barbara Levine, artist, curator, and collector will talk about her lifelong fascination and collection of vernacular photography, her latest book, People Fishing: A Century of Photographs, and how found images can transcend time and place to speak to contemporary questions and sensibilities. Her extensive archive (a.k.a. Project B with Paige Ramey) is the foundation of her artwork, exhibitions, publications and collaborations with other artists. Levine's previous books include People Knitting: A Century of Photographs, Finding Frida Kahlo, Around The World: The Grand Tour in Photo Albums and Snapshot Chronicles: Inventing the American Photo Album (all Princeton Architectural Press). Her... Read more 1 2 3 … 16 Older articles »