Dummy Mortimer Snerd
Collection of Barbara Levine / A real photo postcard showing ventriloquist, actor and radio show host, Edgar Bergen (father of Candace Bergen) steering a bike or open vehicle with his dummy Mortimer Snerd, August 20, 1941 in Decatur, Michigan. Want to add to your collection? email me Read more Barbara Levine, edgar bergen, mortimer snerd, photo postcards
10 Great Victorian Headless Photographs

(via George Eastman House/Flickr) As soon as photography was invented, people wanted to make trick photographs. One of the most popular tricks was making 'headless' portraits. Books such as "Magic: Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversion including Trick Photography" published in 1897 contained diagrams for creating illusions such as decapitations, multiples, and spirit photographs. The Victorian version of photoshop fun and the resulting photos are still creepy today! (via Photo History Sussex) via Is it weird? (via PetaPixel) Early 1800s Complete with Blood! (via courroiedetransmission, elisandre-librairie-oeuvre-au-noir, International Center of Photography Read more Antique Trick Photographs, Barbara Levine, Victorian Headless Photographs
Ivory Pistol Grip with Photo

This ivory pistol grip from early 1900s is very unusual because it has a photo of a woman on it. A great example showing how people used photographs to personalize their belongings. This unique photographic object recently sold for $275.00 at the Kimball M. Sterling Auction House in Tennessee. via @anonymousworks Read more Photographica
Friday Foster: Super Heroine & Fashion Photographer!

from Barbara Levine Collection / available for purchase on Project B The Friday Foster comic strip debuted on January 18, 1970 in the Chicago Tribune and ran until 1974. Friday Foster was a former fashion model who became an assistant to a world-famous photographer at a glamour magazine in New York City. The strip was about her comings and goings in the jet set modeling world and she often moonlighted as a detective. Friday Foster was the first mainstream syndicated comic strip to feature a Black woman in the lead role. In 1972, Dell created a one-of-a-kind Friday Foster comic book edition (pictured above). The comic book inspired the blaxploitation film by the same name, starring Pam Grier. ... Read more Barbara Levine, Friday Foster Comic Book
Antique Cabinet Card Photographs

Two women, one dressed as a man, c. 1905, John Emberson © National Media Museum / SSPL. Creative Commons BY-NC-SA "Cabinet cards, such as the example above, are photographs mounted on stiff pieces of cardboard. They were introduced in the 1860s and gradually superseded the smaller carte de visite format. The front of the card is usually printed or embossed with the photographer’s details, and the back of the cabinet card is often printed with elaborate designs. The popularity of the cabinet card waned around the turn of the century, particularly after the introduction of the photographic postcard, but they were still being produced right until the First World War." via the National Media Museum Blog Read more antique photographs, barbara levine, cabinet cards, vintage lesbian photographs, vintage photographs « Newer articles 1 … 8 9 10 11 12 … 16 Older articles »