Where Should I Put My New Print?

Reagan considers putting 'Koo Koo The Bird Girl' in his foyer Our friends, Reagan Morris and Michael Fitzgerald, creators of the wickedly funny Clayboys products, love art and design and together have created a gorgeous home. Everywhere you look are mesmerizing displays reflecting Reagan's interests in collecting unusual objects. We were flattered when they said they loved our "Sideshow Stars" and "Anatomy Lessons" Print Collections. Together we played around with putting their favorite prints in different places throughout their house. The prints immediately fit in and made themselves right at home!Or maybe instead, one of the "Anatomy Lessons" prints - which do you like better?Reagan loves antique bottles and "Anatomy Lesson 1" looks great with this display in Guest Bathroom.Reagan... Read more Anatomy Lessons, gay, Project B, Sideshow Stars
6 Nude Male Photos are More Art than Science

from The Anatomy Lessons Collection on A 19th-century photographic invention commonly used for educational purposes comes alive today in this exceedingly rare group of images made from glass lantern slides. The slides, made around 1880, were probably used in medical schools to demonstrate muscle groups and other aspects of male anatomy. Today, the photographs strike us as unusual nude studies, more art than science. Limited edition prints of these beautiful images are available exclusively at PROJECT B. all images from The Anatomy Lessons Collection on projectB.comLimited edition prints of these beautiful images are available exclusively at PROJECT B. Read more Antique Nude Male Photos, Gay, PROJECT B
Behind the Scenes at PROJECT B

Take a peek at our not yet released new editions! Every limited edition print at PROJECT B is hand embossed for authenticity. Below, we are making large format prints of vintage color slide photos. They are included in our Divine series for an upcoming exhibition in Houston. Our best selling print this month is Alligator Women! Talk about a conversation piece! And finally, to keep up with all the print and photo orders we are putting our signature 'B's on heavy duty mailing tubes. We want to make sure you get your prints in perfect condition! More behind the scenes of PROJECT B soon! Read more Barbara Levine, PROJECT B, PROJECT B Limited Edition Prints
A Gorgeous Paper Moon (Photograph)!
At PROJECT B we love real photo postcards and paper moons! The paper moon above is exceptional because the photographer created a souvenir of a man astride the moon floating above a city street in Saskatchwan, Canada. Anyone have a souvenir paper moon photograph like this one? Read more Barbara Levine, Paper Moon Postcards, PROJECT B, Real Photo Postcards, vintage photographs
The Northern Lights

Setting up a camera in the middle of a dirt road in Fairbanks, Alaska, an unknown photographer, c.1940, captures this exquisite long-exposure view of the aurora borealis—the northern lights. The awe inspired by this apparition is palpable, even now. Available in three sizes from Project B. Read more Barbara Levine, Northern Lights, PROJECT B 1 2 3 Older articles »