Blog - Sideshow Stars
Where Should I Put My New Print?

Reagan considers putting 'Koo Koo The Bird Girl' in his foyer Our friends, Reagan Morris and Michael Fitzgerald, creators of the wickedly funny Clayboys products, love art and design and together have created a gorgeous home. Everywhere you look are mesmerizing displays reflecting Reagan's interests in collecting unusual objects. We were flattered when they said they loved our "Sideshow Stars" and "Anatomy Lessons" Print Collections. Together we played around with putting their favorite prints in different places throughout their house. The prints immediately fit in and made themselves right at home!Or maybe instead, one of the "Anatomy Lessons" prints - which do you like better?Reagan loves antique bottles and "Anatomy Lesson 1" looks great with this display in Guest Bathroom.Reagan... Read more Anatomy Lessons, gay, Project B, Sideshow Stars
Zoe Zobedia, The Moss-Haired Girl

from Sideshow Stars Collection, Among the attractions of early 19th century American carnivals, sideshows and circuses were the so-called “Circassian Beauties,” women with extravagantly fine or mossy hair who supposedly descended from the “purest” peoples of Eurasia’s Caucasus mountains, in the little-known region of Circassia. In fact, many of these beauties were American girls who cleverly teased out and stiffened their hair and adopted exotic names invariably beginning with “Z” – Zalumma, Zribeda, Zoledod, Zeleke. Pictured here is one of P. T. Barnum’s Circassian harem, Zoe Zobedia, a moss-haired and snake charmer! Limited edition print available exclusively on Read more Barbara Levine, Circassian Women, Circus, Freaks, Sideshow Stars, Zoe Zobedia