Blog - vernacular photography
CAMERA ERA Exhibition

CAMERA ERACherryhurst HouseMarch 29 - November 10, 2014Organized by Project B from the Collection of Barbara LevineCatalogue available CAMERA ERA features photographs that reveal a special relationship with the camera. It may be a sitter striking an iconic pose, or hiding her face… or it may be camera or printing errors or maybe the photographer altering the photo by hand—the kind of photographic 'mistakes' that can now be instantly corrected, but which we love for their very human texture. In today’s digital reality, where every device is a camera and every blip, click and ping contains a picture, it is easy to forget the charisma and mystique of the physical printed photograph. This exhibition is a collusion between... Read more Barbara Levine, Camera Era, Cherryhurst House, vernacular photography
Highlights from "SECONDHAND" at Pier 24

SECONDHAND is the new exhibition at Pier 24 in San Francisco, California. It features vernacular photography collections and the work of artists who collect found photographs to "construct, edit and sequence in order to create something entirely new". The exhibition is a snapshot of how collectors and artists are discovering, displaying and using vernacular photography in exciting innovative ways to broaden the understanding of the medium and its impact on our lives. The exhibition has many layers and I snapped a lot of photos on my iphone to document it (one of the great things about Pier 24 is that you are allowed to take photos in the exhibition). Below is Part I of highlights from the exhibition: Views of... Read more Pier 24, Vernacular photography
Saying Goodbye to My Fotoescultura Guy

I cannot be in New York City for all the Spring photos shows but my guy, my faithful fotoescultura (whom I affectionately call Pablo) is there. Fotoesculturas were made primarily in Mexico beginning in the 1920s and are highly personal and devotional folk photo sculptures. They were often commissioned by traveling salesmen to commemorate events, memorialize the dead or honor individuals. They were displayed in the home, not unusual to see them on top of televisions and on shelves with other family keepsakes. I've owned this beautiful c.1950s fotoescultura for several years and it has had pride of place in my home. Now, I am looking at him as Lot #128 in the catalogue for the upcoming auction, The Vernacular... Read more 2 comments fotoesculturas, swann auction galleries, vernacular photography
Houston We’ve Landed!

Unidentified Photographer, c.1970. HOUSTON WE'VE LANDED! We are thrilled to announce our multi-part exhibition and publication, Camera Era: Freeze Frames From A World Long Gone, will debut during the 2014 FotoFest Biennial. The festival is one of the largest photographic exhibitions in the world and our exhibit will be on view starting March 19th thru the end of May. CAMERA ERA immerses the viewer in domestic photographs made by unidentified photographers during a time when nearly every home had a camera with film in it. The images are all from the PROJECT B Collection of vintage vernacular photographs. Along with original snapshots, we are recasting many of the images as large format prints. We are also excited to announce that... Read more Camera Era, FotoFest 2014, Martin Venezky, vernacular photography
Vernacular Photography: The Art of the Found
Courtesy ZieherSmith and Winter Works on Paper Click on this photo for a fantastic overview of the state of vernacular photography as art and curatorial practice. A must read if you are a vernacular photography collector! Read more Barbara Levine, Collecting Found Photograph, Snapshots, Vernacular Photography 1 2 Older articles »