Blog - snapshots
Ode to Collecting Found Photos
Eloquent ode to collecting found photographs. Robert Skingle, veteran dealer says "Instead of being thrown away, these photographs live on." Vintage vernacular photographs is one of the fastest growing collecting areas in art and photography. Read more barbara levine, Collecting found photographs, snapshots, Vintage Photographs
Found Photos That Belong Together

Happy Birthday, Unknown photographer. Left, Vintage Photograph, 1947. Right, Vintage Photograph, 1959. Available on Sometimes found photographs from different places and times seem to belong together. Each of these snapshots features wall papered interiors and birthday cakes. Both however, also reveal the casual presence of a possible danger - a rifle aimed point blank and lit candles on a young girl's lap. They are each interesting images but as a diptych their subtleties are accentuated and a new story emerges about odd and menacing birthdays. Read more Barbara Levine, Collecting found photographs, snapshots, vernacular photographs
Pink Poodles Always In Fashion!

from the NEW Project B Collection- It's A Dogs Life One of my favorites from our new collection featuring dogs is this over the top pink poodle! With fur dyed (probably with beet juice or food coloring), pom-poms meticulously clipped and adorned with bows, the pink poodle sends a message of Hollywood Baroque, even in Middle America. Who knows if this poodle knows or cares how he looks? He exists, as many dogs do, as an avatar of his owner…in this case, a clear fashion statement. What do you think his/her owner looks like? (pssst..hey you, if you feed my image to your blog please credit Merci beaucoup!) Read more Barbara Levine, Snapshots, Vintage Dog Photos, Vintage Poodle Photos
Appreciating Found Photos

image © Jane Waggoner Deschner. from the garment series (little boy, dragon), snapshots of James "Jimmy" Schelfhout, 2011 There is a growing awareness that pre-digital snapshots are quickly becoming obsolete. In view of this more is being written and considered about their cultural value (including about artists who use found photos). In the last few weeks, three note worthy articles have come out on the topic: listen to NPR's interview with Robert Jackson "Are Snapshots Dead?"; read New York Times art critic Roberta Smith's exhibition review: "Not for the Family Album: Snap Noir and Photo Brut Display Found Photos"and feast your eyes on artist Jane Waggoner Deschner's stitched photographs featured this week on John Foster's Accidental Mysteries blog. Hooray for... Read more Barbara Levine, Found photos, Photographica, snapshots, vernacular photographs
Vernacular Photography: The Art of the Found
Courtesy ZieherSmith and Winter Works on Paper Click on this photo for a fantastic overview of the state of vernacular photography as art and curatorial practice. A must read if you are a vernacular photography collector! Read more Barbara Levine, Collecting Found Photograph, Snapshots, Vernacular Photography 1 2 Older articles »