Blog - Collecting found photographs
Ode to Collecting Found Photos
Eloquent ode to collecting found photographs. Robert Skingle, veteran dealer says "Instead of being thrown away, these photographs live on." Vintage vernacular photographs is one of the fastest growing collecting areas in art and photography. Read more barbara levine, Collecting found photographs, snapshots, Vintage Photographs
Found Photos That Belong Together

Happy Birthday, Unknown photographer. Left, Vintage Photograph, 1947. Right, Vintage Photograph, 1959. Available on Sometimes found photographs from different places and times seem to belong together. Each of these snapshots features wall papered interiors and birthday cakes. Both however, also reveal the casual presence of a possible danger - a rifle aimed point blank and lit candles on a young girl's lap. They are each interesting images but as a diptych their subtleties are accentuated and a new story emerges about odd and menacing birthdays. Read more Barbara Levine, Collecting found photographs, snapshots, vernacular photographs
Tattered Love

Collection of PROJECT B / Barbara Levine This tattered vintage snapshot from 1939, exemplifies the wonderful and mysterious ways photography intersects with people's lives and their private domestic rituals. Vigorously ripped up, repeatedly folded or accidentally left in a pocket and put in the wash, the photo remained precious to its owner and was carefully taped back together. While we will never know if their love lasted, the worn voice of the photograph remains preserved. Read more Barbara Levine, Collecting found photographs, vernacular photography, vintage photographs